Spring is coming! Selling your house post lockdown

Selling a house in the digital age

It is very much an old wives tale that selling in Spring and Summer is better. I say an old wives tale
because I don’t know how true it is. Possibly December can be slow, but generally it is nicer to buy
during the lighter months. It’s greener and for working people, they can see it in the light of an
evening. But with the COVID-19 pandemic and the potential relaxation of lockdown (potential, we
have no inside information), you may be thinking about selling.

Even if lockdown is relaxed – how to sell your house has changed and you need to be on top of it. You
need to be a master of the digital landscape. Here are a few tips to help you.


Take exceptional images:

This is the first port of call for any budding house hunter, and is a pretty obvious. But with Lockdown
people a wary for the old “well let’s visit and see if we can get a feel for a house”. Your images need to do that. Use
a wide angle lens, get in a professional, take up online photography classes. If it is up to you and all
you have is your mobile phone – you can get attachable wide angle lenses online.

Make a video:

It is the 21 st century, you need a video. Once again this is not difficult to do yourself. The best ones go
from outside the house and come in as if you were walking through. Try and think about someone
looking around your house. Give them the proper tour. The bathroom, the utility room, walk out to
the garden and go round the side, look out the window etc.

Have a good floor/house plan:

Part of your images should be a well dimensioned house/floor plan as it gives people a good
understanding of the dimensions of the house. The combination of good images and the floor plan,
will give a potential buyer a good reflection of the property they are going to buy. There are archives
of some houses at your local community or you can find some free software online. But you will have
to get your measuring tape out.

Your house needs to be ready to sell.

Clean it, sort out those little imperfections, fix the lights, make sure the bathroom is grime free (no
judging), the garden looks the best it can be, all those things you meant to do….do it!
Oh and do this one first before you do the rest.

Look at other posts.

Be a house hunter and see how other people are selling theirs online, take some of the hints. Good
written description, good images and a good video – will mean an attractive advert. Then also look
at the houses that have not taken the time to make their property look the best it can be.